- Overview
- Salient Features
- Recommendations
- Method of Use & Dose
- Precautions
Indiscriminate use of chemical fertilizers depleted soil fertility. Due to inadequate soil pH they have tendency to get fixed and unavailable to plant. Microorganisms have ability to make nutrients available for plants. Fertilizers based on microbes called as microbial fertilizers. Microbial fertilizers are best alternatives source for chemical fertilizers. They provide nitrogen, phosphorous, potassium and micronutrients to the plant. This is most sustainable way of plant nutrition.
Phosphorous solubilizer microbes produce extra cellular enzymes and organic acids, which solubilizes chemically and biologically fixed phosphorous. This phosphorous is available for plant roots in soil.
Make phosphorous available to plants

- It is consortia of phosphorus solubilizing microbes, which makes fixed phosphorus available to the plant
- GreenPSB provides phosphorous to plant
- GreenPSB is balanced biofertilizer.
- GreenPSB improves soil fertility
- The results of GreenPSB are long lasting
- GreenPSB helps reducing chemical fertilizer residue in soil.
- GreenPSB is ecofriendly and organic product.
Green PSB is recommended as phosphorus solubilizing biofertilizer for various crops like fruits, vegetable, floriculture, horticulture, fiber, forest crops, ornamental, cereals, pulses, nursery and garden etc.
GreenPSB can be applied by following three ways
- Drenching (Fertigation/ Drip irrigation)
- With compost
- Seed Treatment
- Drenching : Mix 5 ml GreenPSB in 1 litre of water and drench in root zone. (2-3 lit/acre by drip irrigation system)
- With compost : Mix 3 lit GreenPSB in compost and spread over one-acre area
- Seed Treatment : Use 25-50 ml GreenPSB to coat 1 kg seed
- Add NanoWet® 0.25ml/lit and cardArk 1 gm / lit to improve performance
- Avoid using under hot sun. Use during morning or evening time.
- Avoid using with alkaline or acidic pH products.
- Do not use with chemical pesticides and fertilizer
- Store in cool & dry place.