With other surfactants we used to face quick phytotoxicity even due to little fluctuation in doses or temperature. Nanowet solved this problem with its no-phytotoxicity performance. Controlling mite and leaf-miner was a major problem in polyhouse. We were using expensive chemicals to control them. Now Nanowet makes the pesticide penetrate right up to the mite or leaf-miner inside the leaf. Controlling these insects has become easier with Nanowet.
I grow Gerbera in my greenhouses. I am using Nanowet with every spray. It really improves the performance of our agrochemicals. Nanowet improves efficacy of fungicide, insecticide, fertilizers and plant growth stimulant. Sometime we spray plain Nanowet to make plant fresh and to clean up stomatal blockages. I wish all the best to Dr. Patil for his innovation.
We are a most sophisticated and advanced floriculture farm in East Africa. We tried NanowetSPS as Mite control agent as well as efficacy enhancer in different sprays. It’s really wonderful product. We found that all mites were killed @ 0.03% dose and we could save minimum 25-40% spray solution. NanowetSPS is definitely better than previous products we used.